What’s Really Going On?

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. – 1 John 2:18

I’ve been labeled a conspiracy theorist, a right-wing extremist, and an anti-vaxxer. And that’s to be expected. Because the government has created a narrative. They want you to believe everything you’re told, and do everything you’re told. And it gives you a sense of control. You’re being a good citizen, you’re part of the solution, you care about your neighbor, you’re helping to keep people safe. The government is doing everything they can to get us out of this, but stubborn, selfish unvaccinated people are holding us back.

The provincial government has spent millions on promoting the French language, the federal government spent $600 million on a pointless election (used to further divide people) that produced the exact same result as two years ago, and promises billions to the provinces for vaccine passports, all while the healthcare system is crumbling before our eyes. Here’s a tidbit for you to chew on: it’s all by design.

For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. – John 3:20

We’re being blamed for a disheveled and neglected healthcare network that has been abused since the mid-90’s.

If significant money had been funneled into the hospitals right away from day one last March, and doctors gave alternative treatments rather than sticking patients on ventilators and watching them die, this “pandemic” would be over. But that’s not the plan. (And no, a pathetic bonus program to lure nurses back to the network while simultaneously firing nurses who aren’t vaccinated doesn’t cut it.)

If everyone stopped going to restaurants, gyms, theaters, etc, if everyone (vaccinated and unvaccinated) stood together against medical discrimination, this would be over very quickly. But so long as people continue to comply like zombies, the government will continue to push, because they know they can get the citizens to do whatever they want.

And what’s the response of the people? “We have plenty of freedoms. We aren’t in a dictatorship”. Yes, because when something doesn’t directly affect you, you couldn’t care less about it. (In Nigeria, you can’t go to the bank if you aren’t vaccinated. Look at what’s happening in France, and Italy, and Australia. Is anything going to be too far for you?)

Do you care about the people losing their jobs? Are you concerned over how this is affecting children? Do you care what overreaching government will mean for future generations? Or do you simply want the ability to flash your passport so you could chill at a bar with your buddies.

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. – Hebrews 2:14-15

Many only care about one thing: self-preservation. And they’ll do whatever they’re told so that they could feel safe. But guess what? You could take a vaccine every day, bathe in Lysol, and wear six masks, and you’re still going to die someday. (If I were you, I wouldn’t read the story of the covid outbreak at the nursing home where all the residents are fully vaccinated, and there were still several deaths).

It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment. – Hebrews 9:27

Why aren’t people waking up and taking a stand? Because the calling card of this country is apathy. (See: voter turnout for the latest election).

The government is telling you what to do so we could get back to normal. But none of your obedience over the last 19 months has achieved normal. Is it normal for a room full of vaccinated people to have to wear masks and sit six feet apart? Is it normal for a fully vaccinated person to have to isolate for two weeks if they test positive for a virus they’re supposed to be protected from?

The wicked make evil plans against good people. They grind their teeth at them in anger. – Psalm 37:12

There is no plan to get back to normal as we once knew it.

In fact, our provincial government has come right out and said these measures will never go away. Is that what you were promised? Are you okay with that? Will you simply download whatever app they design, to show that you’re a strong science believer?

Using a communicable disease was the perfect vehicle. Its very easy to control the population through fear, because the general public is afraid of dying. The mainstream media has conveniently avoided an alternative to vaccines and mitigation methods. There is little to no recommendation of personal responsibility for your individual health. Such as, regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, taking vitamins and supplements, getting a proper amount of sleep, being outside in the fresh air and sunshine.

The governments’ suggestion for people whose mental health was waning? Make the alcohol store and the weed market essential services. Something to take the edge off. All of the health measures were merely band-aid solutions, not sustainable if we are to have a functioning society.

And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. – Revelation 13:17

The vaccine, and the vaccine passport, are not the mark of the beast. That is reserved for a specific time in history. But what we are seeing now is the system and the framework for it. And we need to fight against that with everything we’ve got.

And you know what is holding him back, for he can be revealed only when his time comes. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but the one who now restrains it will continue until he is taken out of the way. – 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. – Matthew 24:21

Covid-19 is a lab-manipulated virus, a bio-weapon, designed for complete population control. The vaccine wasn’t created for the virus, but rather the other way around.

The government wants a digital ID system (which the province of Ontario has already begun to implement). Digital ID can be shut on and off, depending on what the government sees fit, and since they’ve been given all the powers to do as they please, what recourse is there against it? Every time we’ve given them an inch, it’s just another step towards complete authoritarianism.

People such as me are often mocked, usually with assertions that we’re already being tracked with our phones, that the government already knows where we are all at times, so digital ID is no big thing. That may be partially true, however, the system being planned is nothing like your cell phone’s location service, or your social insurance card.

This is not about knowing where you are. This is about using criteria to prohibit you from accessing services, and participating in society. The pandemic is to force you to get the vaccine. The vaccine is to force you to get the vaccine passport. The passport is to force you to get the social credit score. The social credit score is to force you to obey government. The government can now deny you food, medicine, housing, work, travel and health care.

Too far-fetched? What is happening right now to the unvaccinated?

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed. – Psalm 2:1-2

The website for the government of Canada has a page dedicated to China’s social credit system. If you’ve never heard of such a system, I’ll provide a brief explanation.

What’s the aim? The system intends to monitor, rate, and regulate the financial, social, moral and political behavior of China’s citizens and companies via a system of rewards and punishments.

How does it work? Each citizen is expected to be given a social credit score that will increase or decrease depending on whether the subject’s social behavior is acceptable.

High scores can lead to: priority for school admissions and employment, easier access to loans, cheaper public transport, shorter wait times in hospitals, tax breaks.

Punishment can lead to: denial of licenses, permits and access to social services, restricted access to public services, no access to private schools, public shaming, exposure either online or on TV, photos and ID’s of blacklisted citizens publicized.

Some examples of good behavior: Praising the government on social media, giving blood, having good credit history, engaging in charity work, helping elderly relatives, helping the poor.

Examples of bad behavior: cheating in online games, participating in anything deemed to be a cult, spreading rumors on the internet, posting anti-government messages, protesting against the authorities.

(Source: Bertelsmann Stiftung).

While on the surface it appears that being a good and helpful citizen should be everyone’s goal, in reality this system does not allow for any alternative viewpoints, or questioning of government decisions, or accountability for those in charge. There’s no room for debate or opposition (sound familiar?). A democratic government works for the people. If you don’t like what the government is doing, you could challenge them.

Under a social credit system, the government decides what is good and bad. Where does it end? What if the church you attend is considered to be a cult? With such a system in place, there is surveillance of citizens through face recognition, and digital ID; “snitching” is encouraged, and shaming is considered necessary.

This isn’t about controlling criminal behavior, though it could seem that way initially. Rather, the ability to protest, to question the main narrative, and to have a dissenting voice is considered illegal. Is that the kind of society you want to live in? Every time you scan your vaccine passport for a “non-essential” activity, you are condoning such a system.

With the vaccine passport program in place, we are no longer allowed bodily autonomy, or informed consent. There are no exemptions, or exceptions. The propaganda arm of the government, the media, likes to play the blame game, to segregate society, to cause diving lines, to pit people against each other.

Woe to those who devise wickedness and work evil on their beds! When the morning dawns, they perform it, because it is in the power of their hand. – Micah 2:1

The central banks are involved, the UN is involved, and big pharma is involved. They work together, and are behind everything.

But do you know what would happen if everyone refused to comply? Do you know what would happen if the people presented a united front against totalitarianism? There would be no test subjects. There would be no blueprint. There would be no way to threaten, shame, and divide the population because they’d all be on the same side.

O you who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the lives of his saints; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked. – Psalm 97:10

Anything done using force, coercion, bribery and shaming is not part of a free society. You can’t participate your way our of tyranny.

You might think you’re in the clear. You can go to a restaurant, you can play soccer with your friends, you can live in freedom. But is it true freedom if its dependent on what you inject into yourself? If you think it stops at two shots, if you think this is as far as it will go, you’re sadly mistaken. A new kind of freedom has been created right under our noses. It’s like you live in a cage, where it seems as though you can do what you want, but really, you can’t do what you want, unless what you want, is what is allowed.

The choice is in your hands. Still want to download that vaccine passport?

The spiritual man judges all things, but he himself is not subject to anyone’s judgment. For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. – 1 Corinthians 2:15-16

Once all the information is presented, how you handle it is up to you. But here’s the great news: no matter who is making the plans, and no matter who follows the plans, we serve a God that is above all things (Ephesians 4:6). His ear is not deaf to our prayers (Isaiah 59:1). We are the church, the body of Christ, the fullness of him in every way (Ephesians 1:22-23).

If the devil is under his feet, he’s under our feet too. If Jesus defeated the power of the devil, we have victory over him as well. We’re in this world but we’re not of this world. There is no reason to worry or be afraid, because if God is for us, who then can be against us? Whom shall I fear, what can man do to me?

As a Christian, there are things we pray for, and then there are things we take authority over and pray against. We know that whatever we bind on earth, God backs us from heaven (Matthew 18:18-19). We don’t depend on man to help us, nor are we shaken by anything of this earth. We operate on a different wave length. God never forsakes His righteous. So don’t stop praying. Never give up hope. The weapon may be formed, but it won’t prosper.

The power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord supports those who do right. The Lord watches over the lives of the innocent, and their reward will last forever. They will not be ashamed when trouble comes. They will be full in times of hunger. – Psalm 37:17-19

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